
Free papers and Poster Presentations – General Information

Abstracts can be presented orally (“Free paper”) or as a poster and will not be published/indexed. Consequently, presentations given at previous congresses may be repeated.

To submit an abstract, download the abstract form (Word) from the website return it in PDF-format to Henrik Holmstrøm (henrik.holmstrom@medisin.uio.no).
Please indicate your format preference (oral or poster) and if the abstract has been presented before.

The oral abstracts presentation is on Friday, September 20th at 10:30.
Recommended poster size is 120 cm height and 90 cm width. Pins for posters are provided on-site. Viewing of posters is scheduled during coffee and lunchbreaks.

The authors of approved abstracts will be notified by e-mail. The deadline is August 15th but please submit as soon as possible.
The presenting author of approved abstracts will be notified by e-mail.

You find the abstract form here.

Thank you to our sponsors







